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The Center for Testing at
Konick & Associates

Neuropsychological testing for autism, ADHD, giftedness, learning problems, and more...

The clinical team at Konick & Associates takes into account the “whole picture” when working with a client. We are known for our comprehensive neuropsychological assessments and autism evaluations that include best-practice testing methods, which reflect a multi-method, multi-rater approach. This means we use measures that are backed by research, and data is collected from multiple sources and from various settings to ensure that we obtain a complete understanding of the client.  

Why do I need an assessment?

An evaluation provides valuable insight into your emotional, behavioral, functional, and/or educational needs. In additional to formal testing in the office, information is gathered from "collateral sources" such as parents, caregivers, family members, educational staff, and other treatment providers to formulate a complete picture of your abilities in different settings.  This process allows us to understand your strengths and weaknesses in a number of areas, including cognitive processing and educational abilities.  We can then recommend beneficial accommodations or interventions that can be applied in the home, at school, or in the workplace.  

What's the difference between a psychological and a neuropsychological evaluation?

Psychological testing typically involves a clinical interview, an intelligence test, questionnaires to assess personality traits, and questionnaires to assess for various behavioral health symptoms. Neuropsychological evaluations are considered the most comprehensive type of evaluation, and typically include psychological and psychoeducational testing components.  However, the major difference is that neuropsychological testing goes a step further to examine how a client's brain functions and how that functioning impacts the client's behavior and learning.  While neuropsychological testing is generally more thorough than psychological testing, it is not necessary for all situations.

Assessments & Screenings Available


  • Psychoeducational assessment - Identification of gifted students or specific learning problems (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia) 

  • Neurocognitive - Cognitive processing, intellectual functioning (IQ)

  • Neuropsychological assessment, including memory, attention, language & social information processing

  • Diagnostic assessments for Autistic Spectrum Disorders & ADHD

  • Nonverbal cognitive assessments for individuals with limited verbal abilities

  • Personality & social-emotional functioning

  • Behavior assessments

  • Executive functioning

  • Adaptive functioning - functional status and life skills

  • Symptom screenings - depression, mood, anxiety

  • Complex differential diagnoses - clarification on specific diagnostic presentations

  • Functional status for individual with developmental delays who are applying for disability or state benefits (SSDI)

  • Independent Educational Evaluations (IEE)


The Center for Testing at Konick & Associates provides Independent Educational Evaluations (IEE) for school districts when a student is in due process or the family has enlisted the support of an advocate to assess special education placement.   Our clinicians have experience working with school district teams to complete IEE's, including collaboratively reviewing each district's and the Illinois State Board of Education's (ISBE) specific guidelines.  We also perform behavior observations and IEP review and consultation. 


The Assessment Process

What to expect during the assessment process

Woodland Path
Weeks 1-2: Preliminary Stage
  • New client paperwork

  • Intake interviews with clinician 

  • Record Review

  • Insurance Verification

  • Pre-Authorization for Testing

  • Formal Proposal (Good Faith Estimate)

Weeks 3:  Data Collection Stage
  • Psychological / Neuropsychological Testing

  • Behavior & Symptom Measures 

  • Consultation 

  • Behavior Observation

Green Nature
Weeks 4-5:  Integration and Completion Stage
  • Finalize Data Collection 

  • Data analysis & Interpretation

  • Report Preparation

  • Feedback Session

Click the button boxes to download our informational flyers on the Assessment Process

Best-practice testing methods.


Many professionals provide an evaluation that shows how a person is ranked by numbers.  Our team goes beyond this and interprets those numbers to provide a concise, but in-depth description of what they mean and how this translates to your daily life in terms of strengths, weaknesses, and areas for growth.  It takes the evaluation from being a general tool to a more focused, useful resource.
Most importantly, an assessment is nothing to fear nor is it something to "study" for.  It's simply a tool psychologists use to find the best way to help you.


Call the office at 630.206.4060 for more information or to set up an appointment.

Autism Spectrum Disorders


Clancy & Associates Ltd. is a full-service special needs law firm, and we often work jointly with Dr. Konick on mutual client cases.  She is an essential partner to assisting our clients with complicated government benefits applications and providing on-point testing services.  Dr. Konick helps schools and other professionals understand our clients better. As a result, we can create plans that fully support our clients and their families.  We look forward to many more years of working with her!” 

—  Katie Clancy, Attorney, Clancy & Associates

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